Instructor Contact Information: |
Professor Lesa Hoffman (she/her—you can call me Lesa) Educational Measurement and Statistics Email: (preferred contact) Office: 356 South LC (mostly unattended) Phone: 319-384-0522 (mostly unattended) | Home Department Information: | Psychological and Quantitative Foundations (PSQF) Office: South 361 Lindquist Center DEO: Professor Martin Kivlighan |
Course Location and Time: Zoom Link for Class and Instructor Zoom-Only Office Hours: |
166 North Lindquist Center (LC) or via zoom Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00–3:15 PM Meeting ID: 5044356512 (please use your real name as your account name to be admitted) |
Graduate Teaching Assistant Contact Information and Office Hours: |
Geraldo "Bladimir" Padilla (he/him) PhD student in Educational Measurement and Statistics in PSQF Email: Office hours in a hybrid group format: Tuesdays and Fridays 9:00-10:30 AM in N476 LC or via zoom: |
Coursework Access and Help: |
ICON for Formative Assessments and Bridge Activities UIowa Virtual Desktop Software Online Homework System (now available!) Handout: Steps for Doing Homework For help getting started with the Virtual Desktop, STATA, or R, please see the videos and handouts posted 9/16/24 in this class |
Program Documentation and Resources: |
- Manuals for SAS, SPSS, STATA, and Mplus at - STATA: REGRESS, OLOGIT, GOLOGIT2, GLM, NBREG, ZIP, ZINB, MEGLM, (BETABIN, ZIB, and ZIBBIN), MIXED, (SEM and GSEM) - R Packages: TeachingDemos, HAVEN, EXPSS, READXL, LM, MULTCOMP, GLM, PREDICTION, DESCTOOLS, VGLM (within VGAM package), GLM.NB (within MASS package), ZEROINFL (within PSCL package), GLMER (within LME4 package), GLS (within NLME package), RQ (within QUANTREG package), LAVAAN |
Week |
Weekday |
Topics and Course Materials |
Readings for Each Topic |
T: 1/21 | MEET ON ZOOM ONLY Lecture 0: Course Introduction (updated 1/21/25) Video Part 1: Lecture 0 (slides 1-11 ) |
R: 1/23 | Lecture 0, continued Log-likelihood Examples: (Excel) (SAS) Video Part 2: Lecture 0 (slides 11-31) |
2 | M: 1/27 | HW0 (online, for 2 points extra credit over the syllabus) DUE BY 11:59 PM Video: Demonstrating HW0 |
T: 1/28 | Lecture 0, continued Video Part 3: Lecture 0 (review of slides 12-30; slides 31-35) Lecture 1: Review of General Linear Models Bonus: Reference Categories in STATA Video Part 1: Lecture 1 (slides 1-12) |
Hoffman (2015) ch. 2 Finsaas & Goldstein (2021) Johfre & Freese (2021) Agresti (2015) ch. 1–3 |
R: 1/30 | Lecture 1, continued Bonus: Completed Interaction Examples Video Part 2: Lecture 1 (slides 11-21) and interaction spreadsheet |
3 | M: 2/3 | Bridge1 (in ICON) DUE ONLINE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 2/4 | Discussion of Bridge1; Lecture 1, continued Video Part 3: Discussion of Bridge #1; Lecture 1 (slides 22-28) |
R: 2/6 | MEET ON ZOOM ONLY Lecture 2: Models for Categorical Outcomes Bonus: Example Spreadsheet for LRT Model Comparisons Video Part 1: Lecture 2 (slides 1-15) |
H & H ch. 2, 9 Rohrer & Arslan (2021) Hsieh (1989); Mize (2019) Agresti (2015) ch. 4–5 |
4 | M: 2/10 | FA1 (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 2/11 | Discussion of FA1 Lecture 2, continued Example 2a: Models for Binary Outcomes Example 2ab Files (.zip folder of data, syntax, and output) Video Part 2: Discussion of FA1; Example 2 (pages 1-4, skipping correlations) Bladimir's FA1 Slides |
R: 2/13 | Lecture 2 and Example 2a, continued | ||
5 | M: 2/17 | Bridge2 (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 2/18 | Discussion of Bridge2 Demonstration of Logistic Regression |
R: 2/20 | Lecture 2, continued Example 2b: Models for Ordinal and Nominal Outcomes (Example 2ab Files as posted for Example 2a) |
H & H ch. 15, 16 Bürkner & Vuorre (2019) Williams (2016) Liddell & Kruschke (2018) Agresti (2015) ch. 6 |
6 | M: 2/24 | HW1 (online, based on Example 2a) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 2/25 | Lecture 2 and Example 2b, continued | ||
R: 2/27 | Lecture 2 and Example 2b, continued | ||
7 | M: 3/3 | FA2 (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 3/4 | Discussion of FA2 Lecture 3 and Example 3: Models for Count Outcomes Example 3 Files (.zip folder of syntax and output, but no data) |
H & H ch. 12–14 Green (2021) McCabe et al. (2022) Agresti (2015) ch. 7 |
R: 3/6 | Lecture 3 and Example 3, continued | ||
8 | M: 3/10 | HW2 (online, based on Example 2b) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 3/11 | LESA OFFICE HOURS END AT 3:30 ON WED 3/12 Lecture 3 and Example 3, continued |
R: 3/13 | Lecture 3 and Example 3, continued | ||
9 | M: 3/17 | NOTHING DUE TODAY | |
10 | M: 3/24 | Bridge3 (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 3/25 |
Discussion of Bridge3 Lecture 4: Models for Other Non-Normal Outcomes Example 4a: Models for Outcomes with Ceiling or Floor Effects Example 4a Files (.zip folder of syntax and output, but no data |
Hardin & Hilbe (2014) H & H ch. 10 Certo et al. (2020) Agresti (2015) ch. 8 |
R: 3/27 | MEET ON ZOOM ONLY Lecture 4 and Example 4a, continued |
11 | M: 3/31 | HW4 PLAN (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM |
T: 4/1 | Lecture 4 and Example 4a, continued Example 4b: Models for Skewed Continuous Outcomes Example 4b Files (.zip folder of data, syntax, and output) |
H & H ch. 10–11 Konstantopoulos et al. (2019) Long (1997) ch. 7 |
R: 4/3 | Lecture 4 and Example 4b, continued |
12 | M: 4/7 | HW3 (online, based on Example 2b) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 4/8 | HW4 PLAN REVISIONS IF NEEDED (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM Lecture 5: Multivariate Models via Univariate Software |
Hoffman (2015) ch. 3 Enders (2011) ch. 4 |
R: 4/10 | Lecture 5, continued Example 5a (Part 1): Models for Triadic Family Outcomes Example 5 Files (.zip folder of syntax and output, but no data) |
13 | M: 4/14 | FA3 (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 4/15 | Discussion of FA3 Lecture 5 and Example 5a Part 1, continued |
R: 4/17 | Example 5b: Models for Repeated Measures Outcomes Bonus: Factorial Design Coding Example Bonus: Models for Difference Score Outcomes -- see Example 5a from 2020 class |
14 | M: 4/21 | HW4 (in ICON, using your own data) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 4/22 | Lecture 6: Multivariate Models via Path Analysis |
Enders (2010) ch. 5 Gonzales et al. (2023) |
R: 4/24 | Lecture 6, continued Example 5a (Part 2) |
15 | M: 4/28 | FA4 (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 4/29 | Discussion of FA4 Lecture 6 and Example5a (Part 2) continued |
R: 5/1 | Lecture 6, continued Example 6a: Path Models for Mediation with Normal Outcomes Example 6a Files (.zip folder of syntax and output, but no data) |
16 | M: 5/5 | Bridge4 (in ICON) DUE BY 11:59 PM | |
T: 5/6 | Discussion of Bridge4 Lecture 6 and Example 6a, continued |
R: 5/8 | SUMBIT HW4 BY TODAY IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FEEDBACK BY MONDAY MAY 12 Lecture 6, continued Example 6b: Path Models for Mediation with Binary Outcomes Example 6b Files (.zip folder of syntax and output) Example 6c: Path Models for Mediation with Nominal Outcomes |
17 | M: 5/12 | NOTHING DUE TODAY | |
T: 5/13 | NO CLASS, BUT OFFICE HOURS 12:30-3:30 | ||
R: 5/15 | NO CLASS, BUT OFFICE HOURS 12:30-3:30 HW5 (online, based on Example 6a), OPTIONAL REVISION TO HW4 (in ICON), AND ALL OUTSTANDING WORK DUE BY 11:59 PM |
This course will meet synchronously in person and on zoom. The planned schedule of topics and events may need to be adjusted throughout the course. The online syllabus above will always have the most current schedule and corresponding due dates (i.e., the printable syllabus will not be updated unless noted).
This course will illustrate the uses of generalized linear models for predicting univariate and multivariate outcomes. The course objective is for participants to be able to complete all the necessary steps in a generalized linear model analysis: deciding which type of model is appropriate, creating predictor variables, building models to evaluate unique effects of predictors, and interpreting and presenting empirical findings. Prior to enrolling, participants should be comfortable with general linear models (e.g., regression, ANOVA), such as is covered in PSQF 6243.
Class time will be devoted primarily to lectures, examples, and spontaneous review, the materials for which will be available for download above. Readings and other resources have been suggested for each topic and may be updated later. Synchronous attendance (in person or via zoom) is strongly encouraged but is not required, and you do not need to notify the instructor of sporadic class absence. Video recordings of each class will be available on YouTube so that closed captioning will be provided, and supplemental videos may be added as well. Auditors and visitors are always welcome to attend class. No required class sessions will be held outside the regular class time noted above (i.e., no midterm or final exam sessions). However, because the course will have an applied focus requiring statistical software, participants are encouraged to attend group-based zoom office hours, in which multiple participants can receive immediate assistance near-simultaneously.
Participants will have the opportunity to earn up to 100 total points by completing work outside of class:
Revisions to the planned course schedule and/or content may result in fewer activities (and thus fewer total points) at the instructor's discretion. If that happens, this syllabus will be updated to reflect the new point totals.
- Up to 72 points can be earned from homework assignments (HW; 5 planned initially) through a custom online system or ICON as noted—these will be graded for accuracy. HW that involves individual writing will have the opportunity to be revised once to earn the maximum points. Written assignments must be at least ¾ complete to be accepted. Unless otherwise instructed, please use “track changes” and retain all original instructor comments so that the instructor can see how your revisions address the comments.
- Up to 8 points may be earned from submitting formative assessments (FA; 4 planned initially) through ICON. For each, participants will receive 2 points for effort only—incorrect answers will not be penalized.
- Up to 20 points can be earned from “bridge” assignments (Bridge; 4 planned initially) through ICON. For each, participants will receive 3 points for effort only, and up to another 2 points based on degree of accuracy.
- Participants may earn up to 2 extra credit points for completing HW0; there may be other opportunities to earn extra credit at the instructor's discretion.
Participants may submit work anytime during the semester to be counted towards their grade. However, to encourage participants to keep up with the class, late work will incur the following penalties (overall, not per day):
A final grade of "incomplete" will only be given in dire circumstances and entirely at the instructor's discretion. All work must be submitted by Thursday, May 15, 2025 at 11:59 PM to be included in the course grade.
- Late HW will incur a 2-point penalty.
- Late HW plans, HW written revisions, or FAs will incur a 1-point penalty.
- Late bridge assignments will receive a maximum of 3 points (i.e., no points for accuracy then will be possible, given that correct answers will be discussed during the next class session ).
- Extensions will be granted for extenuating circumstances (e.g., conferences, comprehensive exams, family obligations) if requested at least two weeks in advance of the due date.
>96% = A+, 93–96% = A, 90–92% = A−, 87–89% = B+, 83–86% = B, 80–82% = B−, 77–79% = C+, 73–76% = C, 70–72% = C− (PASS), 67–69% = D+, 63–66% = D, 60–62% = D−, <60% = F
Participants will need to have access to statistical software—STATA, or R+RStudio—that can estimate the models presented. Each of these programs is freely available to course participants in multiple ways:
- You can connect to the U Iowa Virtual Desktop (connect to the U Iowa VPN first) for free
- You can connect to the U Iowa Research Remote Desktop (connect to the U Iowa VPN first) for free
- You can install R software for free on your local machine, along with the free graphical RStudio interface that makes R easier to use (install second after R software)
- You could also pay $48 to install a 6-month student copy of STATA on your local machine
SAS may also be used for specific examples throughout the course. The last unit of the course on path analysis will also use Mplus software. Both of these are freely available on the U Iowa Virtual Desktop.
As a reminder, the University of Iowa College of Education has a formal policy on academic misconduct, which all students in this course are expected to follow. While students can work with each other to understand the course content, all course activities must be completed individually. Please consult the instructor if you have questions.
The use of ChatGPT or any other Artificial Intelligence (AI) should not be needed (or helpful) , as the course materials will provide examples of all software code needed to complete HW. Similarly, the use of AI in completing FAs or bridge activities will defeat their purpose, as these structured reviews are designed to help participants recognize remaining sources of confusion or inexperience (and 2 points for each will be given for each regardless, so long as there is some effort made in trying to answer each question). In any written homework, the uncredited use of AI will be treated as academic misconduct. Acceptable uses of AI are limited to grammatical and proof-reading advice (and should be credited).
The instructor wants ALL students to feel welcome and encouraged to participate in this course. There is no such thing as a “stupid” question (or answer). All course participants—enrolled students and auditing visitors—should always feel welcome to ask whatever questions will be helpful in helping them understand the course content. Questions or comments are welcome at any point during class (aloud or using the zoom chat window), in office hours, over email, or in individual appointments with the instructor (available by request). Students with disabilities or who have any special circumstances are encouraged to contact the instructor for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation.
All participants are welcome to attend class via zoom instead of in person for any reason at any time. If it possible that you have been exposed to COVID-19 or any other illness, please DO NOT attend class in person! Similarly, if the instructor has been exposed to illness or the weather prohibits safe travel to class, the course will move to a temporary zoom-only format to protect all course participants.
When using zoom, please provide the name you wish for us to call you inside your zoom account (i.e., so that it appears on your window while in use). Student use of cameras and microphones while on zoom is also encouraged but not required (out of respect for your privacy and/or limited internet). Please note that class video recordings posted to YouTube will NOT include any video from course participants (only the class audio and screen share from the instructor will be captured). Participants who do not wish for their audio to be captured can use the zoom chat window (which also allows for private direct messages to the instructor), even while attending in person.
The University of Iowa is committed to making the class environment (in person or online) a respectful and inclusive space for people of all gender, sexual, racial, religious, and other identities. Toward this goal, students are invited to optionally share the names and pronouns they would like their instructors and advisors to use to address them. The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination and harassment against individuals on the basis of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, and other identity categories. For more information, contact the Office of Civil Rights Compliance. Additional university guidelines about classroom behavior and other student resources are provided here, student complaint procedures are provided here, and the university acknowledgement of land and sovereignty is provided here.
The instructor realizes that this course is not your only obligation in your work or your life. While class attendance in real time is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged because frequent review of the material will be your best strategy for success in this course. However, if work or life events may compromise your ability to succeed, please contact the instructor for a confidential discussion so that we can work together to make a plan for your success. Please do not wait until you are too far behind to try to catch up!
(H & H): Hardin, J. W. & Hilbe, J. M. (2018). Generalized linear models and extensions (4th ed.). STATA Press. Available from the U of Iowa library as an e-book (for one user at a time).
Darlington, R. B., & Hayes, A. F. (2016). Regression analysis and linear models: Concepts, applications, and implementation. Guilford. Available from the U Iowa library as an e-book (for multiple users at the same time).
Note—I know this is A LOT of readings, but we are covering a lot of material! I have included these sources to give you some additional tutorials and examples. I encourage you to read as many of these sources as possible, but your priority should be to participate in class and complete course work first!
Agresti, A. (2015). Foundations of linear and generalized linear models. Wiley & Sons.
Bürkner, P.-C., & Vuorre, M. (2019). Ordinal regression models in psychology: A tutorial. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2(1), 77–101.
Certo, S. T., Busenbark, J. R., Kalm, M., & LePine, J. A. (2020). Divided we fall: How ratios undermine research in strategic management. Organizational Research Methods, 23(2), 211–237.
Enders, C. K. (2010; chapters 3–5). Applied missing data analysis. Guilford.
Finsaas, M. G., & Goldstein, B. L. (2021). Do simple slopes follow-up tests lead us astray? Advancements in the visualization and reporting of interactions. Psychological Methods, 26(1), 38–60.
Gonzales, O., Valente, M. J., Cheong, J., & MacKinnon, D. P. (2023). Mediation/indirect effects in structural equation modeling. In R. H. Hoyle (Ed.) Handbook of structural equation modeling (2nd ed.), pp. 409–426. Guilford.
Green, J. A. (2021). Too many zeros and/or highly skewed? A tutorial on modelling health behaviour as count data with Poisson and negative binomial regression. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 436-455.
Hardin, J. W., & Hilbe, J. M. (2014). Estimation and testing of binomial and beta-binomial regression models with and without zero inflation. The Stata Journal, 14(2), 292–303.
Hoffman, L. (2015 chapters 2–3). Longitudinal analysis: Modeling within-person fluctuation and change. Routledge / Taylor & Francis. Also available at the University of Iowa library in electronic form.
Hsieh, F. Y. (1989). Sample size tables for logistic regression. Statistics in Medicine, 8(7), 795–802.
Johfre, S. S., & Freese, J. (2021). Reconsidering the reference category. Sociological Methodology, 51(2), 235–269. (see also the active link here)
Knief, U., & Forstmeier, W. (2021). Violating the normality assumption may be the lesser of two evils. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 2576–2590.
Konstantopoulos, S., Li, W., Miller, S., & van der Ploeg, A. (2019). Using quantile regression to estimate intervention effects beyond the mean. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 79(5), 883–910.
Kumle L., Võ, M. L.-H., & Draschkow, D. (2021). Estimating power in (generalized) linear mixed models: An open introduction and tutorial in R. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 2528–2573.
Long, J. S. (1997 chapter 7). Regression models for categorical and limited dependent variables. Sage.
McCabe, C. J., Halvorson, M. A., King, K.M., Cao, X., & Kim, D. S. (2022). Interpreting interaction effects in generalized linear models of nonlinear probabilities and counts. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 57(2–3), 243-263.
McGinley, J. S., Curran, P. J., & Hedeker, D. (2015). A novel modeling framework for ordinal data defined by collapsed counts. Statistics in Medicine, 34(15), 2312–2324.
Mize, T. (2019). Best practices for estimating, interpreting, and presenting nonlinear interaction effects. Sociological Science 6(4), 81–117.
Rohrer, J. M., & Arslan, R. C. (2021). Precise answers to vague questions: Issues with interactions. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4(2), 1–19.
Williams, R. (2016). Understanding and interpreting generalized ordered logit models. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 40(1), 7–20.